Guys! Our sales today was awesome! We sold everything we had! =)
Nuggets -> Wedges -> Sausages -> Mee Goreng -> Karipap -> COLD SODA!! -> Murtabak -> Fruits -> Smoothies(Mocha, Mango, Orange, Milo) -> Caramel Coffee -> &...
Teacher Shuhaila = Hot Stuffz'S organizer & Cook! = ) everyone loved teacher's murtabak!
Our Chef's Syamim & Chung Fai! lovely cooking? haha
Hot StuffZ's Promoterz! Janisa, Maverick & Xing Jun! --Nick--Thina-- helped to0 with the karipap's!
Bhuvan our smoothie maker! I loved your smoothies!
Everyone else who came & helped the stalL! We really appreciate it!
Thanks so much for your hard work and cooperation! = )
Here are some photos I took today. Not many... Aizat! Post some photos you have! = )