well...guess what!!??SIEW CHIN left our class.."huh?".."ah".."wth"..yea..u can say all wat u want...but we've got nothing to say...as 4 us in class 3 HORMAT..v are desperately waiting 4 her to leave..she can be damn irritating sumtimes..but v kinda really pitty her sumtimes...but i've neva!!!....neva,NEVER,and NEVA!!pittied her...i dunno y..but i get damn irritated..looking at her...i know it seemzz kinda bad..but..yea..u should go tru it..but well...it all happened..when she blamed..'SHER MUN,SHARMAINE,PEI XIN,NICOLE,PUI SHUEN and the otherzz which helped her like hell in anything she needed...they were like "damn" loyal to her and yet...she went to PUAN CHOW and complained too her..saying that..they were actually bullying her..WTF!!!"""".....thizz is soo not acceptable...haizzzz...well...yea..then the skool organization had a meeting bout it..and at last they planned to shift her to her "DREAM CLASS" 3d...where her best fwen was..huh!!but...well,v dont really feel any missing in our class..coz..well,v didnt really care..hehe......
convo between *****...& jason..
*****:hey..u know siew chin shifted class...
jason:who gives a damn man!!hahahaha...
*(and they continued their own work)*
hahahahahaha.......rite..i guess thatzz all..i can say....
hahahahahaha.......rite..i guess thatzz all..i can say....